Newman Electric | Tree Damage | Electrician near me

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According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), 500 people lose their lives each year to home electrical fires, 400 die from electrocution, and another 1400 are seriously injured from other electrical accidents. These accidents caused an estimated $1.3 billion dollars of property damage as well.

In an emergency situation where tree limbs or other debris have caused fallen electrical wires, stay at least 20 feet away and protect any children or pets in the area. If there is water nearby stay as far away as possible. Always assume a power line is live and energized. Immediately after removing yourself from the area, call our 24-hour hotline at 502.640.5889.

Our skilled, trained, and licensed team will arrive shortly after to assist in removing the lines and returning the surrounding areas back to safety. 

In the case of an electrical fire, never use water to fight the flames. Water conducts electricity and could put you in further danger. If flames are small, use baking soda or a fire extinguisher approved for Class C (electrical) fires. If you can’t put out the flames, immediately get out and call 9-1-1.

Newman Electric | Emergency Electrical Services | Louisville, KY
Newman Electric | Electrical Fire Prevention | Louisville, KY
Newman Electric | Electrical Emergency electrician near me | Louisville, KY